Friday, April 2, 2010

Let Me Introduce Myself

Hello, my name is Allyson but all my Friends call me Ally. I'm a twenty something Engineer originally from Salt Lake City, Utah. I have a sweet hubby named Shad and an adorable pit bull puppy named Dublin. By day we both work as engineers for major corporations and by night we're both trying to make our mark on our dream house we purchased just a year ago. I love thinking up ways to add personality and coziness to the inside of our house while he's busy making the outside look just as good.

Our house is pretty new so instead of dealing with broken run-down rooms, we're dealing with boring builder grade details that could put a screaming two year old to sleep.

When we first moved in every single room was white. It didn't bother me at first because it was neutral but after getting sick and spending a week on the couch after we first moved in, I was ready to freak out at the sight of another white wall. In the last year we've painted every room once (okay the master bedroom twice) and though I'm already itching to change some wall colors again, I love that with just a few coats of paint the house became ours.

I love design and adding my personality to things. I'm an engineer so I love planning projects and getting my hands dirty doing them myself. I found a company whose products I love that I can share with everyone I meet. Join me on our journey as I continue to make our house our home and share some of my favorite Entertaining at Home products.

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